Stuck at home? Join the club. But even though the party’s on hold, there are still good reasons to keep working on your DJ set. For starters, when lockdown regulations are finally lifted, there might be a boom in demand for parties and professional DJs. You want to be ready. Let’s visit a few more positive ways of looking at this weird time

Normal is overrated

Accept it. Life probably isn’t going back to normal any time soon. You’re not likely to be playing to a crowded room any time soon. So what’s the gameplan? There must be other skills that you’re able to work on in the meantime. Have you explored the avenues of live controllerism, crab scratching, production? There are so many things related to DJing that are now at your disposal. You know when your mind starts to wander and you fantasize about the next big thing? Now’s the time to lay the tracks and get on that train. 

Get productive

How about getting into some new habits? Here’s an idea for those who have more time now than ever: break your day into chunks of 2 hours each. Make a spreadsheet with a few 2-hour tasks every day. Make it easy while you start the habit. Then, start feeling the sweet satisfaction of ticking off the list as you go. Finish a track. Compile a lockdown mix. Set up an online store. Research trends in live streaming. It doesn’t all have to be bleak. In DJing, as in life, you choose your own path. 

Stay positive

Might be tougher than it sounds, but now’s a good time to flush out negative interactions with people who don’t support you and start thinking about your future as a creator. Don’t despair. There are enough people online who want to hear what you have to say. Believe in that, and begin the process of finding them. How? Not by shouting louder and Facebook ads. By showing up consistently with something very specific for people who want to hear from you. 

Join the others who see the value of upskilling themselves during this time. Learn more in a structured environment. Sign up for the Advanced DJ Techniques course DJ Courses Online today. 

John Bartmann is a music producer and DJ.