With the popularity of live streaming DJ sets on the rise, Mixcloud has launched a brave new solution to the problem of playing copyrighted material. Mixcloud Live is now in beta, having released earlier than anticipated. Start adapting to what it means to be a professional DJ. Let’s check out a few features of the problem-solving platform.

What’s the problem being solved?

The problem is being flagged for copyright infringement every time you want to play your favorite golden oldie in a live stream! Facebook and Twitch clearly have to defend themselves by issuing these notices (and interrupting your feed). But there has to be a smarter solution. At the very top of Mixcloud Live’s FAQ is the statement that “Mixcloud Live is the only legal and licensed streaming platform for creators to upload and live stream their shows.” 

What’s the catch? 

You need to be a premium member, which currently costs $15/mo, with the option for a free 90-day trial. We’re in one of those time-will-tell situations, but the general buzz seems to be that the problem of the Covid-19 income drought is already being addressed by Mixcloud Live. If you’re serious enough about your DJing to afford risking $15/mo, it’s certainly worth a shot. 

How does it work?

Mixcloud Select is the payment model allowing DJs to earn from their streams. It’s been praised for embracing a subscription model instead of merely facilitating tipping and donations. The model empowers creators to think of themselves more as service providers meeting a social need than lucky recipients of generosity. 

We all need to have fun. We all need social connection through live events. Mixcloud is leading the way here, offering something which feels like more than just content. The chance to empower practicing DJs who work hard to bring you the best new music around. That’s worth a few bucks. You know what else is? Learning more about how to DJ the best new music yourself. So get over to the DJ courses page and check out the available coursework from the team of seasoned professional DJs. 

John Bartmann is a music producer and DJ