Lockdown is affecting everyone, DJs included. Fortunately, it’s left us with loads of time to check out new ways to get the most out of our software. And it will come and go. Make the move towards a serious career in career in DJing and check out a few things to keep you busy while we wait. 

Set your cue points

Just do it. Traktor, Serato, VirtualDJ and Rekordbox all have ways to set the start and loop points for your favorite tracks. Yeah, it can be a pain, but if you’re planning on playing the stuff, you’ll need to do the prep. Been waiting for a sign? This is it. Set your cue points while you’re trapped in lockdown. 

Create a new set

Sometimes, getting away from your gear is all you need to create something new. A fresh perspective. After months of not playing out, you’ll probably be feeling the need to do something a little different when you’re back on it. So why not take the opportunity to get stuck into your collection and make a new DJ set? If nothing else, it will make you feel like you’re still on top of things!

Flush out the old stuff

Yeah, there comes a time to once again test your recycle bin’s bulk storage capabilities. You see, 2006 was a while ago now. And while it hurts letting go, you don’t need a bunch of stuff cluttering up your playlist. Take the plunge, let it go and experience a cleaner, more impactful track collection.

You heard the saying ‘make hay while the sun shines’? Might not feel like the sun is shining, but there’s good reason right now to quit the procrastination and get prepared for the end of this woeful lockdown. Your career as a DJ requires the awesomeness to see this bleak time for what it is - a dud track. Keep smiling with a course from DJ Courses Online today. 

John Bartmann is a creative audio producer and DJ.