DJs supplement their brand-building income by performing at weddings. Weddings are by far the most lucrative and reliable source of income for both professional and hobby DJs. And for those looking to up their DJ game, weddings are the jackpot. It’s one of those rare days where people tend to behave - and spend - recklessly. Here’s how to play the wedding DJ game and earn that street cred. 

Get DJ gig referrals from wedding planners

All freelance industries are currently being thwarted by a broken recruitment system. People don’t know who to trust. Clients using freelance websites to find DJ services can’t distinguish real talent from automated resumes and profiles created by bots. So you need to build trust with your local wedding planners. Reach out to them. Show them you’re a human being with the equipment and expertise needed to serve their clients. Be real.

Get DJ testimonials from past clients

It can feel a bit cringe to reach out to past clients and ask for a testimonial, but it needs to be done! Testimonials are where potential future clients make their decision about you. Nobody wants to hire someone who nobody else is hiring. Get a few lines from each satisfied customer and display them on your website. That’s how you impress new wedding clients!

Play the right wedding music, obviously

This might sound like a no-brainer, but play wedding music at a wedding. You’re being paid well and nobody really seems to be paying attention, so it’s tempting to start messing around and experimenting. Don’t! If you’re bored, chat to guests in between track selection. Check your socials if you need (subtly!). But make sure the music is the right choice and exactly what the client expects. No more, no less. 

Seasoned wedding DJs know this stuff in their bones. People aren’t at the gig for your name value. You have to behave more like a jukebox than the rockstar you know you are. But weddings are absolutely the best way to bolster your enterprise, afford new gear and have a livelihood as a DJ. If you’re in any doubt, check out the DJ Career Tips course by DJ Courses Online.