You wanna get noticed? Start with a great DJ mix. Something that raises the eyebrows of those who hear it. Something that gets the room moving. Then, share it. Back in the day, that meant getting a cassette or record pressed. Now, it’s just a matter of picking a platform and hitting a few buttons. Here’s how to grow your DJ presence online by sharing your mixes.



Soundcloud has been on a bumpy ride in the past decade. The world’s most popular audio sharing platform has hung on by the fingernails, fighting copyright strikes and competition to remain a place where DJs can share their mixes with fans. In March 2021, Soundcloud announced the first-ever fan-powered royalties system. This enables listeners of your music to support the artists you spin directly.


Mixcloud has always been pushing the DJ game forward. The platform has supported fair practices for Twitch streamers by doing blanket deals with rights-holders. This allows Twitch streamers to use tracks on Mixcloud without copyright takedowns. Mixcloud has gone even further, allowing streamers to bypass OBS and go live straight from their browser. If you’re a DJ, you should be putting your mixes on Mixcloud.


Of course, not everyone is trying to be public with their new releases. You can also submit them directly to other DJs, tastemakers and bloggers who want exclusive, previously unreleased stuff. A good old-fashioned direct link is the way to go here. Google Drive, Dropbox and MediaFire are ways to share a full length WAV mix. 

Sharing your stuff makes sense, right? As a professional DJ, you do need good photos and live videos. But even if you don’t have that stuff yet, a good solid DJ mix will set you apart from the others. Make your tastes known to the world. And while you’re here, check out the DJ Courses Online curriculum.