Music generation is well and truly here. Already, you’re able to create your own royalty-free backing tracks from scratch. But for career DJs, the power will be in creating sample-able sections of songs using a combination of neural nets and the more discerning human ear. Here are a few platforms which are already available as a source of new (and currently uncopyrightable) musical material.


Think of Loudly as a remix studio. Loudly is a byproduct of the team which made the Music Maker JAM mobile app. The aim of the Loudly AI system is to utilize its Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to produce new music from what you upload. The platform hosts a sample size of over eight-million tracks and is currently fundraising to open to the public. 


If there’s a tool for generating orchestral music, it’s likely AIVA. AIVA creates bespoke pieces of music using machine intelligence. Over time, the system has been fed orchestral input and is better known for its understanding of musical scores than its ability to output music from other genres. Vodafone and TED are among its clientele. Good place to generate some classical-sounding samples for remix!


Musenet has some spectacular results. It’s been considered the ultimate AI in composition, and uses - you guessed it - a neural network and a massive catalog of input, from classical to pop. Musenet both responds to input and can create brand new compositions internally. The results are worth taking note of! 

All the big players from Google to IBM are behind automated music generation. It’s certainly going to be a very interesting transition period for DJs and producers as we once again redefine what music is. Make sure you keep up with the trends and continue to upskill by checking out the DJ courses offered by DJ Courses Online today.