When it comes to music, video is king. No doubt about it. But DJs have a problem. We play copyrighted music. This makes it difficult for us to share our lives with followers on social media, where the copyright police are always ready to knock down your door with a warrant. So here are a few ideas for video content that doesn’t get you flagged. 

DJs get to be in swish places

When it comes to entertainment, there’s a lot of spare money flowing around. As a DJ, you get to be in places that have fancy production value which looks good on video. Own it. Next time you’re standing next to a chocolate fountain, do a quick ‘before-the-scenes’ vid for your followers where you’re having a taste. Catch shots of other artists performing at the events you attend. Comment on the whole scene with a behind-the-scenes feel to give followers a sense of what it might be like being super rich. People love that. 

Showcase the gear

Your gear is an extension of yourself as a DJ. You know it well, and most people following you want to find out more about how you use it. Even the simplest stuff works. Showing off how to transition using the filter knob will blow some people’s minds, especially if you accompany it with some corny caption. Gear helps to attract tech heads and the type of in-depth interaction that the algorithm will reward you for. 

DJ rants (but only in moderation)

You got shafted by a promoter. The gig got canceled. Someone is harassing you in the booth. This type of stuff is negative, but it does shine a light on the type of stuff DJs have to put up with. It’s worth sharing, but keep these types of posts minimal. You’re there to entertain people, and indignant, entitled rants get old real quick. If you’re able to stay cool during the chaos, even better. Your followers look to you to be the chill one. Negative events can actually be a gift. 

Getting serious about daily social media? Better get comfortable with pointing a camera in your face. The top performing posts always include some kind of eye contact. And always remember: they’re there to be entertained. Exaggerating your personality wins social media. You’ve got this. Get a few more tips from our DJ Career Tips course, and keep your camera rolling!