Whoa. Lots to unpack here. But without getting too philosophical, there are a few basic questions every DJ needs to ask themselves at some point. As a professional DJ, it's important to have clear agreements with clients in place. But it’s even more important to have your own goals in place. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to help narrow them down. 

What is my target audience? 

Who do I want to play for, and where do they typically go to hear music? Knowing this is essential to tailoring your set and image to get into your audience’s social feeds. Think about the genre you want to focus on. It might be something different to what you enjoy most! It's not uncommon for DJs to play a variety of genres, but it can be helpful to have a specialty or focus to help you stand out and build a loyal following. Professional DJing isn’t always about playing the music you love. It’s mainly about playing the music other people love, right? 

What is my ultimate goal as a DJ? 

Don’t lie to yourself. Do you want to play at small local clubs, or do you have aspirations of playing at major festivals and events? If you seriously, really, truly want to play festivals, you better get busy socializing with local influencers and leveling up your nightlife wardrobe. Popularity. Game face. Good times. There’s absolutely no shortcut to your reputation as a party person. Understanding your goals as a DJ will keep your journey realistic. 

What’s the marketing plan? 

How can you promote your sets and events to attract new fans and bookings? Marketing yourself as a DJ can involve everything from social media to flyers and business cards to networking with local industry professionals. How do I want to differentiate myself from other DJs? What makes you unique as a DJ, and how can you use that to your advantage? Consider your style, music selection, and brand identity to help you stand out in a crowded market.

So many more questions. How do you  stay up to date with industry trends and new music? How do you handle contracts and payment? Which equipment should you aim to acquire? The main thing is to try staying in the game. Subscribe to music blogs or DJ podcasts, network with other DJs at parties, get to know people and get in the habit of saying yes to stuff. That’s the path to payday!