The curse of DJ backache isn’t just for those of us who grew up in the 90s. Ask any DJ who’s been forced to hunch over a surface that’s too low. Even amongst the most experienced DJs, gigs can go on for hours. And over time, even two inches can make a whole lot of difference to how much you’re enjoying yourself. So what’s the right height for a DJ desk?

DJ desk height specifications

Professional DJs like these guys and festival organizers actually have this measurement on file. For male DJs, it’s typically 40” (102cm) and 36” (91cm) for female DJs. But there’s no average that suits everyone, because people are all different. So you can give a little wiggle room of 4”. That’s a good start. Don’t forget to measure the height of your DJ decks and equipment. You’ll need that for the next part.

Finding your measurement

This is the easy part. All you have to do is measure the height of a typical work surface at home and subtract the height of your DJ decks. Alternatively, place your decks on a piano keyboard stand with adjustable height and find the exact right setting. Or, you can even set up your decks on the kitchen counter if you want to mix the beats while you mix the vegetables! Know your height measurement, because it will come in handy next time you’re chatting to your house party host how many bricks to place under their coffee table.

Get the right gear

Look, it’s nice not having to carry around half of the stage setup when DJing. But honestly, sometimes that extra trip out to the car with folding stands is worth it. It’s not just that you want to save backache - you’re also endangering your gear every time you get a table surface that’s not level. Or worse, a lounge table so big that everyone puts their drinks next to your equipment! Having an adjustable laptop stand is always a win. Plus, having a custom setup looks cool. 

DJs are generally practical people. We’re looking for fun, but we’re also prepared to head out to the hardware store to make it happen. We’re familiar with following documentation and technical manuals, and we enjoy building things by connecting the dots. And it doesn’t have to cost more than $100. Plenty of reasons to look into modifying your DJ desk setup today. 

There’s a perfect height, and you’ll find it. Whether you end up using a custom rig, a keyboard stand or whatever the venue supplies, moving from a DJ hobby to a DJ job requires you to have fun in order to get the job done. Make yourself as comfortable and good looking as you can, and you’re good to go!