Things are never going back to normal normal. There’s a new mentality which puts social distancing at the center of how we behave and interact. This new way of doing things will likely outlast any actual health risks by years. Time to adapt to a post-Covid world. 

DJing to crowds

People are more than likely to be cautious around crowds for years to come. Not the greatest news for DJs. More than one professional DJ career is based on strangers being comfortable getting sweaty together. Indoor events are particularly hard hit, with regulations aimed at reducing numbers to less than 50 people. Oh, and no more spit-spraying water over the crowd.

Booking contracts for DJs

Nobody wants to be blamed for facilitating the spread of a pathogen, so it’s likely that booking contracts will start to contain indemnity clauses. This just means both parties will be required to acknowledge the risks associated with parties, gatherings and other events where a DJ might be present. When it hits the paperwork, it’s unlikely to change any time soon.

Masks for DJs

Whether or not you agree that wearing a mask in a booth is effective, there will likely be cases where DJs are required to mask up in order to play. Even after the pandemic is seen as a threat, people will still wear masks as a show of solidarity for average global health. The masks might work in stopping infection, but they’re most effective in showing cooperation. 

Are DJs being hit hard by the pandemic? In terms of gigs and events, sure. But there are upsides to having less setwork to plan. Time. If the doors haven’t started opening in your area yet, you’d better be using the time to brush up on your software and even get producing. You know what helps? A course of industry professionals who want to help you succeed through the difficult times. Sign up today